Now just what is the deal with Pirates these days? I understand the overall fascination having grown up in a time of Peter Pan and Capn. Hook. But here in the Northwest, and now in the 2000’s we really have a movement on our hands. Pirate movies, Pirate Hats, Clubs, Festivals…and yes, Pirate Bands…and Johnny Depp?…how many little pirates did You see running around this past year at Halloween?
We Love our kiddos here @ Pickathon, and for that reason (well..that, and at the same time satisfying our own yearning for some good ‘ol shanty tales of High Sea Treatchery) we bring to the Pickathon palate : Captain Bogg and Salty.
Not just your average Pirate themed troupe (using average and pirate in the same line is close to mutiny)…this Portland, OR band of misfits goes to great length to bring a very, very entertaining performance. They sing, play, act and dress as if stepping off the old Port in the early morning mist.
Do not fear Capn. Bogg and Salty…they are kindred spirits at heart (so they say)…heck, I even bet they will hold your baby if you asked nicely.
How about this for family entertainment :
Need more Pirate in your life ??