
Jul 31- Aug 3

Twin Peaks or Honky-Tonk?
Tuesday July 17, 2007

Summer slips through the cracks, unharmed and unnoticed. By the time this is read, we will be that much closer to this sought-after first weekend of August.
I am often able to humor myself by the amount of time spent on this little computer of mine, creating text…contemplating our near future. Planning, sorting, scheduling, and shuffling…the daily countdown rings on inside my head.

Over the past year we have made a humble attempt at getting folks involved and interested in the grander Pickathon ideal, a festival yes…but much bigger in idea than most would think. Toying with minor details on a daily basis…water, toilets, showers…camper comfort, music selection and daily flow. These are only a few, but all integral parts of the bigger picture.

I have recently picked up the second season of Twin Peaks, and have devoted much of my “night-time” to the ingestion of 3-4 episodes an evening. I am left with several questions…that possibly do not have answers. Have you ever felt this? To have this feeling of uncertain fate, not sure where and when, and who? David Lynch is a marvel of our time…and I highly suggest this use of mind and electricity.

What does this have to do with Honky-Tonk? Nothing, but in all honesty, this “Twin Peaks” has consumed my cells to where I am having a difficult time separating the two (reality v. scripted fate).

What do you need to do? Who are you waiting to see? Where are you going to camp? Ask these questions now.

See you soon, and let your eyes rest whenever possible…you’ll need them in the end.

Here’s some candy….Handsome Family “My Beautiful Bride”…for this Rainy Oregon Summer Day..

…do not worry, i’ll have “real” info again here soon, just figured a slight dip would add a little mystery and intrigue.

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