
Jul 31- Aug 3

Schedules and Volunteers..what’s the deal here?
Friday June 13, 2008

O.K., O.K. – So we know that we are currently overdue with the 2008 Schedule, and we apologize to all that have been waiting for this news… Currently we are waiting on the final approval from the top, and once we know where we stand…which should be soon, we will be able to post all stages, all days, and all times without question. You see, it’s not just up to us on the hours – that type of dictation comes from behind closed doors. Things look great so far, so there is no concern…just the need for a little patience. Soon my friends, we will all be able to make our plans on the who and when. And I promise, this years schedule is going to totally rock.

Well, that being said – I now move on to Volunteers. There are so many more volunteers applying this year than ever before, and our needs are pretty close to fulfilled as I type. But! You will all hear very soon as to what the future holds, and we hope that no matter what the verdict (volunteering or not), you will still be joining us. It’s a good time, really.

O.K. – so that’s the gist, once again we apologize for the wait, and hopefully decisions will be made soon so we can move forward with our planning, you can move forward with your planning, and together we can bring the ‘Happy’ to Happy Valley.

In the meantime, relax and enjoy a little Langhorne.
Langhorne Slim – Rebel Side of Heaven

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