
Aug 1-4

We welcome the month of March.
Monday March 2, 2009

We don’t know about all you out there, but man does it feel great to be in the month of March. Winter is tailing off, and we kick off the 5 month countdown for 2009 Pickathon, oh boy oh boy. To help celebrate the early beginnings of Spring we have decided to litter the month with all types of goodies. Today we offer the sale of all sales on the Pickathon CD Series, these compilations are a great way to look at the first 10 years of Pickathon, loads of great bands from all over the map, over 9 hours of great live music – 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 are all currently On-Sale and available for $7.99-digital, and $9.99-CD on-sale only through CD Baby. Just click on the links for each year…take a listen and take ’em home. The 2008 festival CD is currently being produced and so far it’s looking like a dynamite mix. We’ll keep you posted there.
We are not only throwing up the sales, but also grinding the gears on a few sweet ticket giveaways for both 2009 Pickathon, and also the upcoming Avett Brothers shows on May 22 and 23 at the Crystal Ballroom. Stay tuned for those. Also, it is worth mentioning that the first folks to hear about any of that will be through the newsletter, which must be pointed out is back up a running (top of the page), it’s new and improved, along with the recently renovated homepage. Those culture on demand folks know what the heck is going on once it comes to design and digital brilliance. O.K. that’s enough for this time around, you may now go on with the rest of your day.
yep, it’s just another sweet, sweet Spring that is headed our way.

Oh, and a video…a little monday morning pep…Elliott Brood – Oh Alberta.

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