
Jul 31- Aug 3

Important Information for Pickathon Campers
Monday July 23, 2012

Important Information for Campers:

Responding to camper feedback, we created a new volunteer crew dedicated to reducing the stress associate with finding a camp site. Look for the Camp Host Base Camp at the festival entrance.

CAMP HOSTS will be available to help you get settled. That means helping campers identify an area to camp, finding a suitable site in that area, and checking out tools for smoothing your site. Camp Hosts will be organized in three groups working in concert to get campers nestled happily in the woods. Here’s what to look for:

BASE CAMP: Think of this as the hotel front desk. It’s located at the East entrance and will be staffed with volunteer Greeters that can explain what services are available. Base Camp will have maps and volunteers to help you locate the perfect spot to camp. Take note some areas are designated for jamming, sleeping, etc. You can leave gear at the Gear Coral while you go stake out your spot. If you need additional assistance, Base Camp volunteers will coordinate those services for you.

SHUTTLE SERVICE: “Gators” will be available on a limited basis to shuttle gear from the Base Camp Gear Coral to designated gear drop-off locations. The goal is to help lots of people a little. The Greeters will coordinate shuttle services. Responding to camper concerns about safety, noise, dust and exhaust, Gator use will be limited to designated safe routes and to specific drop off points. If you need additional assistance, Base Camp volunteers will coordinate those services for you.

CAMPING SCOUTS: Think of these volunteers as the guys on the tarmac with the orange light sabers that guide planes to the gates. These volunteers will be stationed throughout the woods. Look for the orange vests and feel free to ask them for assistance. Their job is to help. Base Camp will be in constant radio communication with Scouts and can point you towards available sites for your group.

GOLDEN RULES: Please remember you’re sharing the woods with other campers. Please refrain from roping off too large “compounds” and dial down the noise as people around you turn in for the night. Pendarvis Farm has made a special request this year that we all strive to have a light footprint on the woods. Near the Base Camp you’ll find information about indigenous plant life to protect. Please take a minute to review this info.

Alright, that covers it this time around!

Only 9 days left for Advance Weekend and Single Day Tickets for this years Picakthon!

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