
Jul 31- Aug 3

Keeping Cool At Pickathon
Keeping cool at Pickathon. By Liz Devine
Sunday July 30, 2017

As we prepare for the weekend ahead we felt an appropriate time to point to what makes Pickathon the perfect place to beat the heat. As of now we’re expecting peak temps on Thursday and Friday with a slight cooling for Saturday and Sunday.

Here’s what to expect when you arrive and reasons why Pickathon is the best place to beat the heat this weekend…

Shaded Venues
All stages and kids areas are in partially or fully shaded settings.

Wooded Camping
All tent camping at Pendarvis Farm is wooded.

Free Drinking Water
Two things to know about drinking water at Pickathon. 1. It’s free, abundant, and easily accessible. 2. You will need to bring your own bottle or use your Pickathon cups!

Air Conditioning & Misters
Air conditioning will be pumping in the Galaxy Barn & Lucky Barn venues. Mister stations will be setup at multiple locations amongst the other outdoor stages.

For those that plan on arriving early on Thursday, please understand that our gate hours will not change and that early arrivals will be exposed to the sun during that time, so please plan ahead – sunscreen, umbrellas, sun hats, and anything else that can help at that time! Luckily, this is the only sun at Pickathon that’s hard to avoid… Our staff & volunteers will be working as efficiently as possible to make sure all wait times are as short as they can be.

We’re asking that you work with us in helping make sure everyone makes it through the weekend just fine. It’s the small things that add up for a BIG Pickathon experience… We know it’s going to be hot, and we’ll be ready for it.

See you this weekend!

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