
Aug 1-4

Edge Series: Quiet Life – “Shaky Hand”
Quiet Life - Edge Sessions - Pickathon 2017 | Photo by Gabe Herbertson
Monday November 20, 2017

Quiet Life have some good things goin’. They have a Ford van converted to run on used cooking oil as their tour rig that they’ve put close to 100,000 miles on in the last 2 years traveling throughout North America.

And their music doesn’t carry a lot of angst. Rather, they explore the complexities of life with an air of discovery and reflection in their songs. One gets the sense they fulfill even basic needs (like fuel for a car) creatively with a unique flavor of inspiration in everything they do.

Learn more about Quiet Life and donate waste cooking oil to the cause at: http://quietlifeband.com. The Edge Series is presented by Outside Magazine and features a new episode every 3rd Thursday of the month. Check back here, on YouTube, or at OutsideOnline.com for the latest in the Edge Series.

Filmed at the beautiful Pendarvis Farm on Thursday, August 3, 2017.

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