
Jul 31- Aug 3

Starlight Series: Huun-Huur-Tu
Huun-Huur-Tu | Starlight Stage - Pickathon 2017 | Photo by Miri Stebivka
Friday December 15, 2017

Today’s premiere features a new episode from the Starlight Series, presented by The Portland Mercury and The Stranger. The following is from an article by Ned Lannaman for The Portland Mercury:

[…]Today’s video is pretty special, featuring Tuvan band Huun-Huur-Tu, who incorporate traditional Tuvan and Mongolian instruments with the trademark Tuvan throat singing. Huun-Huur-Tu was one of the most extraordinary acts to play at the last Pickathon, and seeing the chance to see real live Tuvan musicians perform is not something you get every day.

“Huun-Huur-Tu” roughly translates to “sun propeller,” and Tuvan songs traditionally deal with the steppes of central Asia and, of course, horses, which are a staple of life there. While Huun-Huur-Tu travel the world bringing Tuvan sounds to all kinds of different countries, hearing them against the very Pacific Northwest-style setting of Pickathon must have been among the most striking and memorable ways to see them. Even within Pickathon’s stylistically diverse lineup, this was a pretty remarkable moment. And the guy here is a waaay better throat singer than your roommate at Evergreen College ever was.

Pickathon 2018 will take place on August 3-5 [2018]; look for lineup announcements starting in the early part of next year.

Check back here or on YouTube every 3rd Friday for a new episode from the Starlight Series.
Filmed at the beautiful Pendarvis Farm, August 2017.

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