
Aug 1-4

Young Jesus To Make Promising Debut At Pickathon
Thursday June 20, 2019

Young Jesus striking song “Deterritory” from their 2018 album The Whole Thing Is Just There was featured in the netflix orignal show O/A, season two. That’s cool, but what’s better is that no existing band fits so perfectly in a story about living free of cynicism, tapping alternate realities in a near-future ruled by philosophical and scientific discussion. Formed in Los Angeles, California, Young Jesus creates spontaneous, improvisational indie rock. Though currently based in LA, guitarist Andew Rossiter is from Chicago and allows the Midwest’s emo and post-punk history to influence the band’s sound. Heavy, raw, emotive vocals are Rossiter’s instrument in this band of improvisers aimed at honoring vulnerability with sonic soundscapes. Get into their headspace late Saturday night on the Starlight stage, and early Sunday in the Galaxy barn.

Pickathon is right around the freaking corner! GET YOUR TICKETS ASAP.

Watch: FeelingSaganism vs. Buddhism

Read: Pitchfork Review – The Whole Thing Is Just There

Read: Uproxx – Meet Young Jesus, One Of The Best And Most Adventurous Young Indie Rock Bands Of 2018

Listen: Saddle Creek Records | Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | TIDAL

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