
Aug 1-4

Jungle Blues from C.W. Stoneking
Thursday February 19, 2009

This is one of the situations where I wish I could rewind the clock a couple months and reevaluate my “top 10” from 2008. Having not even heard of C.W. Stoneking at that point, thus not knowing about his most recent, and incredibly fantastic record Jungle Blues makes it impossible to give that aforementioned credit.

That said, this is without a doubt one of the most pleasantly surprising recordings that has ever found it’s way into the Pickathon office. Unsuspecting, and universally appealing with its brilliant original songs that bring back vivid imagery of the 20’s, Jungles, and frightening parasitic infestations. By way of Victoria, Australia, with a full band of primitive jungle horns and rhythm section, C.W. Stoneking is above all else an accomplished composer.

I will say it here first (at least to you folks), he will make you a fan, and more than likely you too will get the fever that Jungle Blues prescribes so well. The record when released gained much acclaim throughout the world, even finding itself pretty high up on the Australian Billboards. As I am still surprised at how good it really is (and I mentioned its universal appeal?), right now this is likely to be one of those shows that I will look forward to the most.
Do the favor – get a copy of Jungle Blues, he’ll ship it to you (all the way from Australia) – himself. (order here!)
Enjoy this video…A little interview and a great rendition of the White Stripes – 7 Nation Army.

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