Western Centuries In an age when independence is idolized and every person seems to be seeking their own lone wolf career path, Seattle’s Western Centuries believe that the way forward is better together. Collaboration, inspiration and mutual admiration are what Cahalen Morrison, Ethan Lawton, and Jim Miller cite as the heart of their project. Western […]
Vanishing Twin Vanishing Twin are a heterogeneous crowd, no two members are the same nationality or speak the same language. They are would-be doyens of Esperanto if it had only caught on; galactic citizens if it were an option at the passport office. They are scientists and creators excited by rituals and telepathy, book-wormed into […]
Michael Nau Pickathon is pleased to welcome Michael Nau once again to Happy Valley. His band’s blissed out, baroque-folk is the sonic equivalent of a summer day at Pickathon. Explorative, handmade, and adventurous. As one of the founding members of Cotton Jones, Nau explored the intersection of meditative pop, country music, and psychedelica. His solo […]
(Sandy) Alex G Alexander Giannascoli, better known by his stage name (Sandy) Alex G, started his career with DIY self-releases on Bandcamp. After being labeled by The Fader as “the internet’s secret best songwriter, (Sandy) Alex G began building up an audience with his label debut, DSU (2014), released on Orchid Tapes to critical acclaim […]