
Aug 1-4

Psycho Banjo Babble…
Friday June 8, 2007

Over the past few months on multiple occassions I have had the band Trampled By Turtles mentioned to me and suggested for Pickathon. Either through other bands via comparison, or from someone who had just seen the band live.

A mash of sorts, while seated, this band from the Upper lakes State rips through sets as if trying to fit tightly between other names that come to mind like Split Lip Rayfield and Yonder Mtn. Stringband. (somewhat)

Whatever it may be exactly, it is apparent that people like it, and the following is growing from state to state, the drives seem to be getting longer, and we’ll see them on Sunday of the festival for two sets. (main stage and the late night Galaxy Barn).

anyway….enjoy the romp.

Trampled By Turtles : Outlaw Blues (Bob Dylan Cover)
*song ends around 1-2 minutes before video stops*
*psycho banjo babble at the 1:55 mark*

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