
Aug 1-4

NEW Galaxy Barn rules…Part II (Damage Control)
Friday July 18, 2008

Alright, well it seems like damage control is in order here after the onslaught of responses we received with the proposed Galaxy Barn changes….so, in order to work this out we are looking at the following ideas and guidelines.

1st – So, the real reason for having moved the beer garden out of the barn is this: It is the Law, and we were forced into this change. IF we would have chosen to keep the beer inside the barn, then the capacity would have been lowered to a very small number, and we would have also needed to install sprinklers to meet that type of code. As you can imagine, this is just not possible – so the decision was made to move beer outside. This move is in all of ours best interest, and is not the real problem, just the cause.

2nd – Lets look at this idea of ‘all-ages’. As we want the barn to be a special place for adults too, it is absolutely necessary that we pull this off in the right way.
So – here are choices to be made.
:: Do we make the barn All-Ages?
:: Do we make the barn 18+ after 8pm?
:: Do we keep the barn 21+ after 8pm, but also keeping in mind that we cannot allow alcohol inside because of the above mentioned laws (olcc)?

We are open to ideas and input, and want everyone happy and on board with the final decision.

I did speak too soon in the previous post, so please folks….settle down and try to keep some of those lightning bolts at bay, we intend no harm, nor do we want to be compared to ‘the gorge’, or any other ‘restrictive NW event’.
Pickathon prides itself on its unique way of doing things, and will continue to work with that in mind.

So, voice your opinion below, or send us an email.
We will take all ideas into consideration, and make the right decision in the end.

It also needs to be pointed out that with this outside beer garden there will still be ample listening and viewing avenues for folks to enjoy both their beer, and the bands. All the doors and windows will be open, as well as the garage door – which looks right at the side of the stage. Please, please, please take this into consideration. We DO want the best possible experience for everyone….

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