
Aug 1-4

Pickathon IS a Family Friendly Event!
Friday July 11, 2008

Above all else, Pickathon is about family. We strive to include and appreciate our future generations, and have always been committed to this idea since the beginning. For anyone who has attended, they would know this. Every year we commit to bringing a wide variety of children and family themed events and ideas: Circus Cascadia, Capt. Bogg and Salty, Toddler Camp, Workshops, Classes, early morning yoga, and even family-friendly camping, these are only a few examples of how we keep the ‘family theme’ in mind.
You see, we also have kiddos (Silas, Naomi, Hazel, Cole, and Miles), and proving a safe and vibrant atmosphere and experience for them is at the top of our list. We have built the idea of Pickathon to include anyone and everyone, and it is our strongest desire to be seen in this way – locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. And I know as I have looked out in the crowd over the past decade, we are not alone, and the number of children in attendance has increased 10 fold. This can only mean one thing – Pickathon is safe, fun, creative, clean and encouraging.
Our events have always been a safe and fun experience for all, and not once have we ever had any type of situation that would lead folks to believe otherwise.
I welcome anyone to swing by, email or even ask a friend who has attended in the past. You will find the same answer, come to the same conclusion….Pickathon IS about the Family and the nurturing of growth with creativity, and within (once again) a SAFE environment.
What I would like to ask, to anyone who reads this and can connect – please either leave a comment or send us an email on how you view Pickathon:
Family Friendly?
Safe Environment?
Anything else?
Your feedback matters more now than ever, and we truly appreciate each and every one of you.
See you in August!

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