
Jul 31- Aug 3

A year to remember…and now we decompress.
Tuesday August 12, 2008

Ahhh…. We are just now getting the tent out of the bag, and finishing up all the laundry from the past two weeks. I think that I can speak for many when I ask..”What happened last week?” I really cannot recall what I did, some type of post-Pickathon time-warp. Recovery, getting over a head cold, and the final clean up over at the farm (thanks Elwood, Farm Friends, Pendarvis Family)! What we now must do is sort through, and make sense of this years big 10 year celebration. All year we worked towards a single weekend, and now that it has come and gone we are able to take a step back and look at all that occurred.
By far the best yet, and judging from all the positive press and feedback – we are certain things are on the right track….heading full steam ahead into 2009. What’s next? Aside from the 11th annual Pickathon, we will also have several shows throughout the year in the Portland area – so stay connected, we’ll continue to bring it home.
For the rest of this week I will post several survey type questions that we would like to get your feedback on – this is where we make our adjustments to better serve our people. A few topics off hand would be the following: Camping, Transportation, Music/Lineup, Festival Atmosphere, Staff (friendliness/usefulness), Vendors, anything else? We want to get everyone covered, and acknowledge everyone who deserves a pat on the back. As the festival grows, we will all experience changes – and with these changes we are working hard to keep the spirit of Pickathon alive, and keeping the Festival a unique element is our #1 goal. We believe in a lot of things that help make this special, and it’s the people (staff, volunteers, musicians, attendees) that keep this specialness in check.
So…. stay tuned by keeping up to date with the website.
We thank everyone that was at Pendarvis Farm this past week, it would not have happened without you and we are very much grateful things have gone so well so far. It is humbling the overly positive response we have received.
Thanks again!…and already looking towards another amazing year in 2009.
– 2008 Pickathon Staff.

p.s. Keep a watchful eye for photos and videos!!…they’re out there, and we’ll do our best to bring them over to our .com for all to enjoy.

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