
Aug 1-4

2009 initial lineup..and where that brings us for the next few months..
Tuesday February 17, 2009

Well, we made it…onward with the 2009 year, bring us the new colors and introduce these new creatures. Let us familiarize with what is otherwise unfamiliar….. The 2009 Lineup (so far) has been posted and as far as we can tell everything on the site seems to be in working order. Check out the 2009 lineup preview playlist, it’s chock full of the good stuff.
It is now the time when we begin to theorize the schedule for all the stages and artists…oh my, it’s quite the puzzle at first. Any ideas?
Also – we will be adding more folks to the lineup as the next few weeks roll on by, look for the final number of bands to be around 35, or so..
Enjoy these next few months folks. We certainly will.

Well, here we go with the content drum roll..
Here is a super cool, old-school animation take on the ultra popular FURR from Portland, OR’s Blitzen Trapper….this album was EVERYWHERE in 2008..and for good reason, a definite Top 10.

Furr by Blitzen Trapper from Jade Harris on Vimeo.

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