
Aug 1-4

Pre-Sale Weekend Tickets and RV Parking Sold Out!
Wednesday February 25, 2009

Thanks so much to everyone who purchased their weekend tickets at the special Pre-Sale Weekend price. That batch of tickets went much faster than expected, as did the RV Parking passes…. But have no fear our Early Bird Weekend Tickets are here…
Car Camping is currently sitting at around 50% remaining and we will expect to see those go with the Early Bird Weekend Tickets. Once we are sold out of the Early Bird Tickets, we will then sell our final batch of tickets at the Pre-Gate Weekend price of $120. All tickets will be sold until out of stock…so get them early. We try to make sure that there is ample room to roam out at Pendarvis Farm and you can count on a nice size crowd for the size of the grounds. It’s funny when organizing these types of gatherings, there are just countless pieces to the puzzle, all fitting together somehow. Anyway, with any year… there will be site, venue, production, etc.. changes and improvements. We really do love this mass convergence of folks all making it happen for a single weekend a year. hooray to that!
Thanks again…and keep posted to the ‘ol www. There is much in store for the months of March to August.

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