
Jul 31- Aug 3

Less than 100 Early-Birds left in the nest…
Tuesday April 21, 2009

This is true… We are getting close to saying bye-bye to our Early-Bird batch of weekend tickets, and at the current pace I am willing to predict that prior to May 1st they will be completely sold out (ahem, cough..cough..maybe think about getting them this week?). But have no fear if you still have not made up your mind (there is still hope!), we are also preparing the roost and a big welcome for our final batch of Pre-Gate Weekend Tickets, at a lean and mean $120. If you think it’s worth the $15 (early vs. pre)…buy ’em now and save that extra bit for a CD, some gas, a meal, whatever… Weekend Tickets will remain at the Pre-Gate price until July 30th, purchased at the gate they will be $135. Day Tickets will go on-sale starting May 1st as well. Other than that, there is only parking to worry about, and if planning on driving (as opposed to other viable travel options), you will need to purchase the necessary parking pass. Only Weekend Parking is currently available and Day Parking will be available May 1st. Both RV Parking and Car Camping are sold-out (sorry). Well, that’s the latest on the ticket scoop….
In other Pickathon related news.. Samantha Crain and the Midnight Shivers are currently preparing for the April 28 release of their upcoming Ramseur Records release Songs in the Night. The record is great and really seems to have something special for everyone. The Midnight Shivers are a young band with a lot of talent and distinctive approach and background, Samantha Crains songwriting and voice are unique and self-defined. Combined we are working with a recipe that is destined for a bigger crowd over time. To put it simply, we love this band. Lucky for Portland, Samantha and her fine band will be at the newly improved Mississippi Studios on May 1st with Thao and the Get Down Stay Down (another that we REALLY like..maybe?). We strongly encourage everyone to see both these bands when you can, and also pick up a copy of Songs in the Night. And…enjoy the brand spanking new mini-documentary about the band and the new record, whew..that is enough for a tuesday.

Samantha Crain and The Midnight Shivers from sterlinharjo on Vimeo.

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