
Jul 31- Aug 3

Ideas Around Improving Car Camping
Tuesday February 28, 2012

The feedback from last year made it clear to us that car camping patrons had experienced issues related to finding places to camp even though no additional car camping passes were allocated vs. the year before.

Our best analysis of the issue was that two things happened:

The first was that campsites became a bit grander in their setup than previous years and the second was that some tents were added to car campsites who were not supposed to be there.

To help resolve this issue Pickathon will include two tent stickers with each car camping pass. Every tent will need to have a visible sticker to camp in the car camping area.

Besides this simple proposal we have two additional options that aim to keep the same groups camping together while helping reduce the congestion we ran into last year.

We want your feedback on to let us know which one you prefer.

Option#1 – Camp with your car (same as last year) but sell one third less car camping passes.

We sold around 150 car camping passes last year and we would cut this down by a third to 100 (priced at $85).

Plusses: Makes more space allowing similar behavior as last year.

Minuses: A bunch of folks would be excluded who were included last year.

Option#2 – Create two passes Camp near your car and Camp In Your Car.

The idea is to move all cars that people are not sleeping in to the first row of the overflow lot adjacent to the car camping (see location in blog picture indicated by “Camp Near Your Car Parking”), which is close as a car could be without being in the car camping area. We would still allow a small number of passes for folks who have camper type vans, but the idea is to make space by removing the cars.

This would effectively be done by breaking the 150 available car camping passes into two types. The first would be a “camp near your car” pass (around 100 passes priced at $80) and the second would be a camp in your car pass (around 50 passes priced at $100 for all three days).

The first row of the overflow would be reserved for only “camp near your car” passes, and the limited “camp in your car” passes would still be allowed into the car camping area.

Plusses: By removing ~100 cars from the actual car camping area it would allow the same number of people to camp as last year. Less car traffic will also make the area more pedestrian friendly overall.

Minuses: You would have to walk a short distance to your car in the first row of the weekend overflow lot (see location in blog picture indicated by green text “Camp Near Your Car Parking”).

We’d love to now hear from you to understand your opinion on what Option we should do.


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