
Jul 31- Aug 3

Pickathon 2013 review roundup (Or, reasons why you should not miss Pickathon 2014…)
Photo by Tim LaBarge
Tuesday August 27, 2013

As we head towards the end of August with Summer ending and the school year beginning, it seemed like a fitting time to recap on the magic that was Pickathon 2013. It always takes us a bit to gather our bearings and properly reflect on what exactly did just happen… and lucky for us, there’s plenty to soak in…

“With a 5,000-person capacity, the festival is sizable enough to accommodate a full cadre of attendees and acts but small enough to feel insulated, comfortable, manageable, laid-back. Where other festivals are exhausting, Pickathon is energizing. There are as many families with children as college-age partiers (I’d guess the average age is 35). Corporate sponsorship is either invisible or nonexistent. Very little fencing, common-sense crowd control and easygoing security add up to the kind of production where you feel like a guest rather than a target market.”Jonathan Zwickel from City Arts Magazine on Pickathon 2013

Well said Jonathan!

“It’s the kind of thing you’re told all the time: “you just have to go there, do it, see it.” But it’s true: describing the experience of attending Pickathon is kind of like writing about music itself. Too much is lost in translation. That the festival remains a hidden gem in the Northwest seems both a loss to the greater community of music fans and a boon to those already in the know. It’s easy to be torn: though you’d almost love to keep it all for yourself, once you’ve gone for yourself, you’ll want all of your friends to enjoy it as much as you do.”Jim Beckmann of KEXP

You’re spot-on Jim!

“For the most part, all that I really have scrawled in my notebook are the beginnings of two very poor analogies, both of which fail to sum up the experience of a three-day life-affirming adventure through what is, undoubtedly, the most impressive, respectably run, and eye opening music festival in modern history.”Christopher Altenburg from Ghettoblaster Magazine

Much obliged Christopher!

These kind words, plus many other 2013 reviews and photo tours can be found out there on the internet from the likes of Portland Mercury, Paste Magazine, Austin Chronicle, Myspace, Willamette Week, Three Imaginary Girls, Opbmusic, Brightest Young Things, The Bluegrass Situation, The Bay Bridged, and Music Savage.

Everyone at Pickathon is feeling amazed and supremely humbled. It is a massive group effort and we owe it all to the countless artists, attendees, volunteers, vendors, partners, and families.

Thanks a mil… you all helped make 2013 absolutely rule!

Oh, and go ahead.. think 11 months into the future and make your plans for Pickathon 2014, buy your tickets today!

Currently there are still a few of the ‘early bird’ Pickathon 2014 Weekend Tickets available! , but don’t wait on these as they are rather limited and will soon go away. This is your once-a-year opportunity to place your bet early… so don’t miss out.

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