
Jul 31- Aug 3

What’s Next?
A candid Jeff Tweedy on the Mt. Hood Stage | Photo by Tim LaBarge
Wednesday August 24, 2016

The end of August and beginning of September has always been the quietest time for us. Still wrapping up the final bits and pieces from this past year, while at the same time putting the first foot forward in getting next year underway. This, while savoring the last few days of Summer, is essentially what we’re up to these days…

Looking ahead we can tell you that there’s a lot coming up to get excited about… Starting back up in September we will kick off our Fall 2016 Season of Pickathon videos – which will be brand new videos each month from all stages (Mt. Hood, Woods, Galaxy, Lucky, Starlight, Treeline) and each session (Pumphouse, Logging Road, Slab, Luna, On The Farm) and a few extras like interviews, comedy, spoken, and storytelling. FALL WILL BE FULL OF PICKATHON. To get instant notification of any new video releases, make sure you’re subscribed to -> www.youtube.com/pickathon

For all things 2017, we will not expect to announce any of that info (dates, tickets, lineup) until we have the new year behind us… The time will fly by, so make sure you’re ready to grab your tickets as soon as they go on sale!

One last ‘Thank You’ needs to be pointed towards the crew & volunteers that helped make sure Pendarvis Farm has been put back together for Scott & Sherry.  Elwood, Ronnie, Biggs, and J. Razz are four of the most important people in the world right now, and we can’t thank them enough for the incredible work. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Until next time!

– Pickathon

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