
Aug 1-4

Doom Metal Titans YOB Make Pickathon Debut This Summer
Tuesday May 21, 2019

YOB at Pickathon August 3rd & 4th.

Galaxy Barn (21+) Saturday Night + Epic Woods Stage Debut On Sunday.

Eugene based metallurgists YOB have always made cathartic, mystical drone metal that sets them apart. After the transcendent pain and near death experience of a gnarly health scare in 2017 leader Mike Scheidt began making notes for what would become Our Raw Heart. During his long convalescence Scheidt had to wait until he could lift a guitar, then re-teach himself to sing in a way that wouldn’t burst his own insides. In touch with new spiritual and physical means Yob created something expected: their go slow to get there harder riffs, and something unexpected: truly beautiful, intensely positive, doom metal. The singing and playing on Our Raw Heart celebrates human triumph in harrowing conditions in thunderous waves of patient, heavy, psychedelic metal. The last time we hosted Scheidt he was with his hardcore band VHOL, and it was a screaming good time. We can’t wait for the loud, life-affirming doom of YOB.  

Join YOB at Pickathon this Summer, tickets are now available for a limited time.

Read: Rolling Stone Interview – Harrowing Illness Almost Killed Doom Metal Titans YOB – But Gave Their Work New Life

Read: Pitchfork Review – YOB, Our Raw Heart (Relapse Records)

Watch: YOB – Hometown: life and near death in the Pacific Northwest. Part 1 | Part 2

Listen: Bandcamp | Spotify | Apple Music | TIDAL | Amazon

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