1. SIX WEEKS! -> You’ve heard it all before, but with each passing day the message tends to get a little louder… This Summer in Oregon, Pickathon is – THE HOT TICKET – and given we’re filling up on volunteers and will only have a few tickets left after that… don’t wait!
2. Weekend?!? -> Without a doubt, the best way to experience Pickathon. Three loooong days, six amazing stages, each artist performing twice, delicious food & drink.. Music from 10:00am to 2:30am each day!
3. Day!?! -> Friday? Saturday? Sunday? Whatever the day… those passes are limited and certain to sell out this year. Check the schedule and clear your calendar.
4. Thursday?!? -> This is a reminder! Our early Thursday passes can only be added to a weekend ticket… There is no ‘Thursday only’ admission option at Pickathon. What does this mean…? Well, it’s our most relaxed audience and you’ll no doubt experience the most intimate performances of the weekend. So why not join us a day early?