
Aug 1-4

Billy Afghan (she/her)
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Billy Afghan (she/her)

Billy Afghan is the CEO of a global consulting firm that works with organizations to help them do business in ways that work for people and the planet. She has traveled and worked in more than 50 countries, from major capital construction sites and manufacturing floors to C-suite offices and boardrooms. Billy’s family is also global—Americans, Italians, Iranians, Palestinians, and Kenyans. She is married, has raised two sons, surrogated a baby for her sister, and donated a kidney to her brother. At the age of 20, Billy served four years of a 20-to-life prison sentence. Billy is The Moth Portland GrandSlam Storytelling Champion for 2023 and a Moth StorySlam champion in 2022. She is currently learning how to tell her own story. 

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