With the sun finally hitting us here in Portland we can now say that Summer is officially here. The fever is in the air and here at Pickathon things are beginning to move fast enough to make it all blur. One super important note for folks is that we have only a few Advance Weekend […]
Seeming like in one way or another Sam Quinn has topped many of our lists over the past few years at Pickathon. He is in some ways a permanent fixture once it comes to the festival… Performing at 2006 and 2008 Pickathon with the everybodyfields, who knows what he did in 2007?, and then returning […]
It is coming down to that time again where we will soon be seeing a change in the price of the Advance Weekend Ticket. Currently the three-day ticket with camping is available for $130 ($43 a day!), and will go to $140 when the change occurs. This will then be the final price for Weekend […]
The day has come where we open up the 2010 Volunteer Application to all non-returning, and hopeful Pickathon volunteers. Year after year we depend on many outstanding and enthusiastic volunteers that fill a wide range of tasks that help make it all happen. Mostly these positions are filled in advance with returning volunteers, but each […]
Last day of schedule announcements and we’ve saved something special to end the week with. The Woods Stage has grown a lot over the past years, this Solar Powered mecca deep in the woods offers everything and more for folks who just want to sit, listen, and relax in the forest. Do not miss these […]