
Jul 31- Aug 3

Spring Break, Ticket Update, Campsite News, and Bowerbirds Amazing New Record
Thursday March 29, 2012

Spring Break!

It’s the earliest taste of the Summertime schedule, a precursor to the madness that’s headed our way. Long Days, Travel, Kids, repeat..

As we wind down March and get April tuned and ready to go, it seemed necessary to send out a huge thanks and brief view of what’s to come.

First up, we gotta thank everyone that has picked up their Weekend Tickets. While they are still available, we certainly advise everyone who has not already – to do so quickly! Pickathon will be a sold-out festival in 2012 and our advise at moment is to not procrastinate.

Second, we need to send one more thank you to all the Work Party people out there that have been kicking some major tail out at the farm. These folks are delivering so many new campsites it’s almost hard to believe. Work Party #3 info will surface soon. Comfort is king!

O.K., so last we just want to get this great new video up by the Bowerbirds. The bands latest (still new) release The Clearing is fantastic and strongly suggested. Once again, Dead Oceans delivers…

Enjoy the break.


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