
Jul 31- Aug 3

Pickathon in Two Days!
photo by Tim LaBarge
Pickathon in Two Days!

Setup on the farm is at full speed, and we are gearing up for the good times ahead!  The Treeline Stage is aMAZEing (pun intended), the brand new Galaxy ArtYard is literally glowing, and crew is hard at work to make sure camping is as easy as pie. Check out all your camping need to […]

Pickathon In Four Days.

We’re finally here! It’s the week of Pickathon and we are stoked to be able to say those words. Big things are happening all over site, this is a real life dream team working so well together right now, it’s incredible and amazing to watch… we’re never been more proud. Go team! A big week […]

Welcome to Pickathon: Awareness & Guidelines

Pickathon is one of the most family-friendly & community oriented festivals around. We work hard to ensure your festival experience is easy-breezy, but we need your participation! Below we have included a lot of details that you may or may not know, with a few new details to be aware of like Hazard Trees & […]

Gate Hours + Getting To Pickathon!

As we dive into festival week let’s make sure you have all the right info on how to make this upcoming weekend the best Pickathon yet! There are more than a few ways to make your way to Pickathon 2018. Catch the EcoShuttle running day and night, Thursday through Sunday, and Monday morning to help […]

Visual Art at Pickathon!

This year at Pickathon 2018, we will be showcasing a number of interactive, community-oriented art installations from artists regional and globally! These installations will expand your experience, bringing magic into the woods and fields. From larger than life installations, immersive sound experiences, to interactive motion activated LED’s, these installations will run all weekend long, day […]

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