
Aug 1-4

Pickathon in Two Days!
photo by Tim LaBarge
Tuesday July 31, 2018

Setup on the farm is at full speed, and we are gearing up for the good times ahead!  The Treeline Stage is aMAZEing (pun intended), the brand new Galaxy ArtYard is literally glowing, and crew is hard at work to make sure camping is as easy as pie. Check out all your camping need to know’s from this week’s blog post, Welcome to Pickathon!

Tickets are moving fast!  Start your weekend early with Thursday Early Entry + an outstanding meal from Chef Ed Sablan & music from Black Pumas, or make the most of Sunday with a single day ticket. Curation meal tickets are still available, but don’t hesitate, as they are getting closer to gone as we approach the festival weekend.

See you soon, you good ol’ festival folk. 2 days!

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