
Jul 31- Aug 3

3 days left of the fab….
Monday March 9, 2009

At odds with the weather on another Monday, and still trying to get in all the fabchannel that is possible during the sites final 3 days. This here simply fabulous Dr. Dog show is another example of what we will be missing.
On another note, we will have more lineup and schedule announcements going out in the next few weeks. Also, Car Camping passes are at ~35% remaining, and the Early-Bird Weekend Tickets are steadily moving out the door. Once we are sold out of the Early-Birds we will be at the Pre-Gate price at $120. And… it could be wise to your keep eyes out for contests to surface – chances to win tickets to Pickathon, tickets to the Avett Brothers at the Crystal Ballroom on May 22 and 23. The newsletter will hear about of this first, which will go out next week for St. Patrick’s day. Sign up if not already.
Dr. Dog – November 23, 2008 live at Paradiso

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