So… lets talk about the music, the real heart and soul of Pickathon.
There is a deep deep well out there that is brimming with talent that we will continue to pull in over the course of the next few years. We work hard each year at bringing the best mix of performers that summer has to offer and feeling that 2009 was our strongest, most eclectic mix of performances to date.. Many of these folks are now on our list of ‘memorable’, and possibly you too saw the magic while at Pickathon?
Here’s what we would be interested in knowing this time around:
1. Who did you like? Anything/Anyone remarkable? What Stage?
2. Anyone new stand-out for you in 2009?
3. Who would you like to see in 2010?
4. Squaredance? Workshops?
5. Sound in the venues, on the stages? outdoor? indoor?
6. Kids Activities? Positives? Improvements?
7. Do you listen to Peacock Radio while on-site?
8. If you had to choose a “Most Memorable Musical Moment”, what would it be?
You can either email us at, or simply post below….we take it all to heart, so please try to make it well rounded. Let us know what you think, as we too are excited to share our highlights…looking forward to 2010!!
A Pickathon highlight.. The Deep Dark Woods while at the Woods Stage in the Deep Dark Woods, a la Tim LaBarge.