
Jul 31- Aug 3

New To You: The latest, greatest, and hints of what’s to come from the Pickathon HQ.
Thursday June 2, 2011

Has it really been a week? Did everyone make it out of May in o.k. shape? Does it feel like summer to you in the Northwest this fine second day of June? The big news keeps brewing and we’re here today to help prepare you for its arrival.

The big three…

First… The 2011 Pickathon Children’s and Family schedule is getting it’s final polish and we’re looking at being able to share that news on Wednesday June 8. Puppets, Saturday Morning Cartoons, Circus Camp, and a first-ever, special, full-blown kids set by one of our favorite bands on earth. Details. Coming. Soon.

Second… The 2011 Pickathon schedule is 100% sorted and we’re currently navigating the schedule-schooner towards June 14 for that news to hit the world-wide-web. Three big days, Six amazing stages, almost 50 bands in all! We promise nothing but the real thing, and oh, do you have your Weekend Tickets yet? Get ’em now before it’s too late!

Third… Hey all you returning Pickathon Volunteers! News is coming very-very soon, be ready.

And finally – who else out there is supremely excited for Wye Oak out at the Farm? We are!

Bring on Summer.

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