
Jul 31- Aug 3

Imagine Series: Ray Christian
Ray Christian | Imagine Series - Woods Stage | Pickathon 2017
Friday March 30, 2018

Ray Christian joined Pickathon 2017 as the headlining storyteller at the Woods Stage for Imagine on Sunday morning. His laid-back style and sense of humor underscores the more intense aspects of his incredible story. It was a pleasure having Ray at the festival sharing his talent and skill, and it’s a pleasure to share this season premiere of the Imagine Series with you all today.

The Imagine Series was filmed at the beautiful Pendarvis Farm on Sunday, August 6, 2017.

More about Mr. Christian:
Ray Christian escaped the urban slums of Richmond, VA by joining the United States Army at 17. Here he served in a number of capacities and assignments at home, abroad during peace time and in combat, primarily as an Infantryman and Paratrooper, where he retired after 20 years of service. Following retirement the combat-decorated veteran went back to school and earned a BS in History, MA in Public History, and an EdS in Education Leadership. He is currently pursuing a doctorate in Education, where his dissertation research explores the relationship between parental behavior and academic success among African American students. Ray also teaches part time at Appalachian State University, the courses “The Souls of Black Folks”, an examination of African American social culture, and “Storytelling Life in the Narrative” a course that explores the historic and contemporary use of storytelling and oral history in America.  Ray has shared his stories on the Moth Main Stage in the US and Canada. His stories have appeared in Readers Digest (One of the Best Stories in America Edition) and have been featured on the Moth Radio Hour, Snap Judgment and the RISK podcast. In addition, as a competitive storyteller Ray is a 8 time Moth story Slam Champion, and the winner of the 2016 National Storytelling Festival Story Slam. Ray also has his own podcast “What’s Ray Saying”.

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