
Aug 1-4

Freaks, Jugs, and Reels….
Monday June 2, 2008

Another week goes by and that much closer to the big #10. This fine first Monday of June we bring a few more additions to the lineup, aptly titled: Freaks, Jugs, and Reels.
I first will unfold the mystery of two of these groups through their three degrees of separation from longtime Northwest Favorites, the Kitchen Syncopators… O.K., now do not get confused, the Syncopators will not join us and in fact they do not even exist anymore (sigh). But, from that crew we are pleased to welcome both Woody Pines (a founding member of the Syncopators), and the Oz. St. Fossils (washboard dynamo Bob Scarecrow’s new group.). There we have the Jugs and the Freaks.
Next up we have Irish full-blood Johnny Connolly and his mighty push-button accordion, with band Bridgetown, Johnny is seismic with his rhythm, tempo and drive. A great show for the woods, the barn, and all points in between……and there we have the reels.
Getting these folks in the mix is underway and now, as it has been said before, NOW the finishing touches can be applied to the almighty schedule..oh, so many stages, so many bands, so many hours….how will it unfold?…check back later this week, and we should have the answer.
Woody Pines – Candyman
Woody Pines @ Stuart’s Opera House 4.18.08

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